Twitter Circle, a New Function that can be Exchanged only by Friends

Twitter Circle, a New Function that can be Exchanged only by Friends
Twitter Circle, a New Function that can be Exchanged only by Friends

On the 4th, Twitter launched a new function “Twitter Circle” that allows you to interact only with “your friends”. It will be available to some users of iOS, Android, and (Web), and we will look for improvements for the public release in the future.

Twitter Circle is a new feature that allows you to share tweets only with selected followers. Regular Twitter is open to the world, but not one tweet is sent to everyone. 

The Twitter Circle allows users to freely choose who to share their content with and who participates in the conversation for each tweet, enjoy more intimate conversations with a small number of people, and build familiar relationships.

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How Does Twitter Circle Work? 

When tweeting, you will be able to select whether to share with only within the circle or all followers. You can add up to 150 members in one circle, and you can edit the member list at any time. No changes made to the circle will be notified to the members. 

Posts for circles will have a green badge below the tweet, and tweets with badges cannot be retweeted or shared.

With the Twitter circle, you can enjoy “free tweets” with peace of mind only to those who are willing to accept it, and “no need to go back and forth between bank accounts and other accounts.”

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A feature like “Close Friends” on Instagram

If you are a user of Instagram then you probably know about these features. On Instagram people can use the close friend feature and then they can share exclusive photos. For example, if you want to share a story but only with your close friends because it’s personal stuff. 

At that time Twitter Circle was a possible feature for you because it helped you to keep your privacy. Twitter’s biggest concern right now is privacy and freedom of speech, and Elon Musk. 

To cope with that problem, they are coming up with a brand new feature to add new benefits for their users. Twitter is all about privacy and internet stuff where you can do or share anything. 

So, if you post a lot of Tweets and want to keep them personal and don’t want interference from other worlds then it’s good news for you. On Twitter, anything or any tweet can become big news in modern times. It can decrease the share prize to help poor men and anything possible for this world. 

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