WhatsApp is launching back-to-back new features and working on more of them. Even though WhatsApp is quite a productive application, still they are adding more features. In this blog post, you will read about their latest feature which is WhatsApp Quick Status Replies. If you want to keep yourself up to date about the latest feature and updates of WhatsApp then keep reading this blog post.
What is WhatsApp Quick Status Replies?
WhatsApp is working on a new feature that is going to be similar to Instagram. Currently, we can send replies to the users through their WhatsApp status. But now, they are going to add some quick replies to save your time and effort. If you still didn’t get the idea of what it is then try to think about the quick replies on Instagram.
Whenever a user watches status on Instagram then they get some emojis as quick replies. In other words, it’s going to be a quick reaction feature on WhatsApp status. Moreover, the most interesting part of this feature is that other people can see the number of reactions. Like on Instagram, you can see the reaction of people to that specific status.
The first one that comes with this news is WABetaInfo (one of the biggest and most credible WhatsApp news sites). According to them, there are going to be 8 different types of emojis in the quick replies section. However, still, this feature is not live in the application and takes some extra time to launch.
WhatsApp Desktop: Quick Status Replies
Most of the time we get features on mobile devices like iOS or Android and take a lot of time for desktop. But no time, according to the WABetaInfo this feature is already live on the WhatsApp Desktop. If you are using the WhatsApp Desktop then you must check and make good use of it.
Users must keep in mind that WhatsApp Quick Status Replies feature is not officially available on regular phones. In other words, this feature is only available in the Beta version and not in other systems. WhatsApp is working on a new feature and rewards system. For example, they recently came up with a new plan where you can earn Rs. 11 per online transaction. In this update, if you use WhatsApp Payments then they will reward you with Rs. 11 on every transaction.
Type of Emojis
- WhatsApp Quick Status Replies Heart-eyes
- laughing with tears
- Surprised
- sad with a single tear
- joined hand
- Clapping
- Party-popper
- 100 Marks emoji.
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